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  • At The 2024 Summer Olympics, AI Is Watching You

    A controversial new surveillance system in Paris foreshadows a future where there are too many CCTV cameras for humans to physically watch.

  • AI could enhance almost two-thirds of British jobs, claims Google

    Research commissioned by Google estimates 31% of jobs would be insulated from AI and 61% radically transformed by itAlmost two-thirds of British jobs could be “enhanced” with AI, Google has claimed, with only a tiny proportion at risk of being “phased out” entirely.Instead of worrying about job losses caused by AI, the focus needed to be on making sure the millions of Britons who could work in smarter and faster ways with AI tech got the support to use it, the company said. Continue reading...

  • U.S. consumer tech spending will grow slightly in 2024 and hit 4.4% growth in 2025 | CTA

    The CTA projects that overall retail revenues for the U.S. consumer technology industry will finally grow 1% in 2024 to $505 billion.

  • How AI is revolutionising weather forecasting

    AI tools look for patterns in data over years to forecast weather accurately and faster than traditional methodsIn the past year, something of a revolution has hit the world of weather forecasting as artificial intelligence-based weather forecasts have come to the fore. Traditional weather forecasting methods rely on creating a digital three-dimensional grid that replicates as closely as possible the state of the atmosphere at the start of the forecast.Once this “initialised state” is determined, complex equations are used to predict how the state of the atmosphere will evolve in the hours and days ahead. For decades, much research has gone into improving these forecasts, focusing on getting the starting point right, increasing vertical and horizontal resolution of these grids, and, of course, making refinements to the equations. Continue reading...

  • From politics to porn: will 2024 be the year in which deepfake fears finally become real? | Samantha Floreani

    Generative AI risks further erosion of public discourse, undermines political accountability and contributes to ‘information rot’As long as there have been deepfakes, there has been political deepfake panic. Concerns about the use of deepfakes – that is, artificially generated or manipulated material to depict something that never happened – in politics have circulated since at least as early as 2018, when the technology was used to impersonate Obama calling Trump a “complete dipshit.” Articles from countless media outlets over the years have proclaimed that political deepfakes are an imminent threat to public discourse, truth and democracy as we know it.This week, concerns have resurfaced in Australia after the Liberal National party posted an AI-generated video of the Queensland premier, Steven Miles, on TikTok. The video depicts Miles dancing, and is marked as AI-generated. Even without the label, the tells are evident: the uncanny blurring of features, the unsettling flow of his pants as he moves, the paper he holds mysteriously disappearing and reappearing. Echoing popular political deepfake anxieties of the past seven years, Miles reacted by saying it represents a “turning point for our democracy”. Continue reading...

  • The 5 questions Google couldn’t answer on it’s earnings call about its AI future

    Google faces tough questions on AI strategy in tense earnings call. Analysts probe 5 key concerns as Google Cloud results hint at strong quarters for AWS and Azure.

  • Nvidia’s latest AI offering could spark a custom model gold rush

    Nvidia launches AI Foundry service, enabling businesses to create custom AI models with increased accuracy and control, potentially revolutionizing enterprise AI adoption.

  • Research team designs biomimetic vision system based on praying mantis eyes

    Self-driving cars occasionally crash because their visual systems can't always process static or slow-moving objects in 3D space. In that regard, they're like the monocular vision of many insects, whose compound eyes provide great motion-tracking and a wide field of view but poor depth perception.

  • The future of work: How Salesforce and Workday’s AI alliance will transform your office

    Salesforce and Workday forge a groundbreaking AI partnership, revolutionizing enterprise software with unified data integration and an AI-powered employee service agent, reshaping the future of work and customer relationships.

  • Ensuring safety and fairness in artificial intelligence

    Many decisions that were previously made by humans will be left to machines in the future. But can we really rely on the decisions made by artificial intelligence? In sensitive areas, people would like a guarantee that the decision is actually sensible, or at least that certain serious errors have been ruled out.

  • Mistral shocks with new open model Mistral Large 2, taking on Llama 3.1

    On the Multilingual MMLU tasks, Mistral Large 2 performed on par with Meta’s Llama 3.1-405B while delivering significant cost benefits.

  • AI models rank their own safety in OpenAI’s new alignment research

    Rules-based Rewards, a method from OpenAI that automates safety scoring, lets developers create clear-cut safety instructions for AI model fine-tuning.

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